Wednesday, 9 July 2008


Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Librarians always stood for Scholarship and readership!!



1 comment:

  1. Its really a pity to know that a reputed manpower consulting site like Monster reporting that Librarianship is an inferior profession.
    As I have been saying to many that Librarians are those who get the respect from only the "really learned lot" (the users of Library) and not from the "so called learned". In many organisations Librarians report to a senior management personnel, who would have never visited a Library for years together. A Librarians' superior may not be even knowing what are the good jobs that he does. To know that he should be visiting Libraries once in a while.
    I work for an Engineering Company, and tell people, who try to pass negative comments on Librarians, that I have seen many engineers, and if I pass a judgement on engineers, it would be correct but how an engineer who has never visited Library or seen a Librarian for ages (other than me), could pass a statement be-littling them.
    The flaw, I think is with our Library schools, Library Associations - who instead of promoting the profession are busy promoting themselves. They need to help in developing more and more employable Librarians. We need to talk to the people, who employs (corporate leaders; officials of learned bodies) us rather than speaking amongst ourselves. Our good work in our organisation should speak out rather than our presentations/ speeches at any Library Science Seminars/ Conferences.

