About BookChums!
What is bookchums.com?
What is bookchums.com?
BookChums.com is a community site for book lovers. Our aim is “to connect booklovers across India”. As a first step to achieving that aim, we have started www.bookchums.com. This site provides a platform for book lovers to create and participate in book clubs online. The website focuses on the requirements of people passionate about books and engages them in the world of books through features like book reviews, blogs, forums, book trades and club events.
Who is behind this venture?
Engage Infomedia is an India-based technology company that offers strategic services to business organizations for their Web-based business initiatives. Whether your organization requires an overall "Web" strategy--one that encompasses all aspects of your business—or a more focused, horizontal strategy--one that is focused towards a specific audience, Engage Infomedia will work collaboratively with your organization to plan, develop and manage a business site that meets your needs.
Engage Infomedia’s strength stems from the fact that it is a customer-focused company first and foremost, with a deep-rooted understanding of Indian Web consumers, but with a solid understanding of rapidly advancing technology. The company’s aim is to be “best of breed” in the battle for online consumer attention, and build vast, high traffic online communities, websites and processes for its customers.
Engage Infomedia is headquartered in Pune, India and has its key business office in Washington, DC.
Engage Infomedia’s strength stems from the fact that it is a customer-focused company first and foremost, with a deep-rooted understanding of Indian Web consumers, but with a solid understanding of rapidly advancing technology. The company’s aim is to be “best of breed” in the battle for online consumer attention, and build vast, high traffic online communities, websites and processes for its customers.
Engage Infomedia is headquartered in Pune, India and has its key business office in Washington, DC.
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