29th All India Conference 2013
Role of Library Associations in India in Modern Age
December 26-29, 2013
Call for Papers
Circular I
Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
P-291, CIT Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700054
Gram –IASLIC; Phone: (033) 2362-9651;
29th All India Conference 2013 – Call for papers
IASLIC (Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres) has scheduled its 29th All India Conference 2013 to be held at Information Centre and Library, National Institute of Virology (ICMR), 20/ A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Post Box No. 11, Pune, India, PIN 411001 during December 26-29, 2013.
Professional Associations are considered as powerful forces representing the voice of the professional community to solve the problems related to the welfare, status, working conditions, physical facilities, education, training, research activities. Library Associations are no exception. The primary objective of any library association is to provide effective leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library services, to promote excellence through continuing educational program, publications, and communications, to offer innovative practical solutions to the problems and to undertake other such programs. In the modern age. our library profession is under tremendous pressure to achieve higher level of performance to survive subsequently in the competitive global environment. Library Profession is facing threats due to recent developments in digital technology, wireless communication, knowledge management, short-term employment contracts, outsourcing and many other similar factors. Whereas it is an established fact that the use of professional tools and techniques lead library professionals to acquire knowledge and skills of effective handling of information acquired. And only library professionals can perform the best way. Thus, Library Associations in our country have responsibilities to address these important issues timely. On the basis of such views, IASLIC has decided “Role of Library Associations in India in Modern Age” as the main theme of its 29th All India Conference 2013. Papers are invited in the following areas for deliberations
Role of Library Associations in India in Modern Age
A Review of past activities of library associations
A1 Activities and achievements of national library associations
A2 Activities and achievements of regional / state library associations
B Role of Library Associations in different spheres
B1 Role of library movement
B2 Role in enactment of public library laws
B3 Role in developing norms and standards of library services
B4 Role in raising professional status and pay-scales
C New roles of Library Associations in changing environment
C1 Role in competency building in emerging areas
C2 Role in accreditation of LIS schools and courses
C3 Role in developing professional ethics
C4 Role in introducing library services
C5 Role in providing consultancy to libraries and information centres
C6 Role in developing institutional repositories, subject gateways and library portals
C7 Role in open access and open source movement
SIG 01 : Social Sciences Information
Convener : Prof. S. B. Banerjee
Theme I : Norms and Standards for Library Services in Digital Environment
S01.I.a ISO standards applicable to libraries/information centres : critical review
S01.I.b IFLA standards, statements, manifestos and guidelines : critical review
S01.I.c Indian standards applicable to libraries/information centres : critical review
S01.I.d Norms and Standards for different types of libraries – public libraries, academic libraries, special libraries, digital libraries, libraries for different communities and groups (e.g. visually handicapped, mentally retarded, hospital patients, jail inmates, etc.)
S01.I.e Best practices in libraries/information centres
S01.I.f Norms and Standards in LIS education
S01.I.g Areas for developing new norms and standards
Theme II : Information Literacy
S01.II.i Information Literacy -concept, scope, characteristics & its components
S01.II.ii Information Literacy and Information Society – conflict or coalescence
S01.II.iii Information Literacy : Building of Research : An Overview
S01.II.iv Information Literacy Model
S01.II.v Information Literacy – Competency : Standards and Guidelines for the Higher Education
S01.II.vi The role of Information Literacy & Competency Programme (ILCP) in the context of Libraries and Information Centres
S01.II.vii Information Literacy & Competency Development for Library and Information Professionals
S01.II.viii Information Literacy in Effective use of Information Technology and Electronic Information Resources
S01.II.ix Information Literacy and User Education
S01.II.x Information Literacy in India : An Analytical Review
SIG 02 :Computer Application in LIS
Convener: Shri Abhijit Kr Bhowmick
Theme: Social Networking and Library Services
S02.A Social media and collaborative networking in libraries
S02.B Harnessing library users in design and implementation of information services through social media
S02.C Library 2.0: Incorporating social networking techniques for the Next-generation LibrarySocial Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration
S02.D Blogs and information services
S02.E I2.0: Information services enriched with social tools and techniques
S02.F OPAC2.0 : SOPACs, social web applications for library OPACs
Important dates
Conference: December 26-29, 2013
Paper Submission: August 09, 2013
Acceptance: September 09, 2013
Venue: Information Centre and Library, National Institute of Virology (ICMR), 20/ A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Post Box No. 11, Pune, India, PIN 411001
General Instructions
1. Contributed papers will have to be of qualitative value for publication in peer review journals.
- A generalised presentation should be avoided.
- Full Paper with an informative abstract (between 300 and 400 words) within 2500 words (not more than 10 pages of A4 size paper) typed in single side, double space with Times New Roman font, 12 pt size, margin of 1.25" in left / right / top and bottom and duly signed by the author(s) should be submitted in triplicate by August 09, 2013 along with the “Author’s Declaration Format”.
- In addition, softcopy of the full paper composed in MS Word should be submitted on CD/DVD disc or as an attachment through e-mail iaslic.sem@gmail.com.
- Author should indicate the sub-theme of the paper distinctly.
- The paper should be accompanied with an amount of
l000.00 (Rupees one thousand only) as paper submission fees which will be adjusted only with the Registration Fees by the Organising Secretary subject to the production of the respective original receipt of IASLIC. Payment may be made by DD in favour ofIASLIC-Seminar payable at Kolkata and send to Prof Pijushkanti Panigrahi,General Secretary, IASLIC, P-291, CIT Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata - 700054. If the paper is not accepted, the amount will be refunded.
- Pre-conference volume will have only abstracts of accepted papers.
- Accepted papers which are presented in the Conference, will only be published in the Post Conference volume within three months of the Conference held.
- Pre-declaration by the author(s) should be made separately that the paper(s) has/have not been sent elsewhere for publication/ presentation. This has to be sent by hard copy.
10. All accepted papers will be invited for presentation either in the main thematic session of the Conference or in the SIG Meetings. Presenter will be allowed maximum ten minutes for presentation including introduction and conclusion.
- There will be provision for Poster presentation. All papers accepted for poster presentation will be allocated time for display of full papers. Abstract of all papers accepted for poster presentation will be included in the pre-Conference volume. Poster papers will not be published in the post Conference volume.
- There will be a provision for the Best Poster Presentation Award.
- All registered participants will receive Post Conference volume free of cost from IASLIC office. Additional Rs.150/- will be charged for postage and handling those who wish to receive the volume through post.
- First author is entitled to get ten copies of reprints of full paper.
- The decision of the Editorial Committee will be final and no correspondence regarding the acceptance of papers for presentation in the Conference or otherwise will be entertained.
- Correspondence regarding papers should be addressed to Prof Pijushkanti Panigrahi, Hony. General Secretary, IASLIC, P-291, CIT Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata- 700054 or iaslic.sem@gmail.com. and for Conference update please visit www.iaslic1955.org.in
13 Feb 2013 Prof Pijushkanti Panigrahi,
General Secretary
IASLIC 29th All India Conference 2013
Author’s Declaration Format
(To be submitted in triplicate along with the paper)
- Name (s) (in case of joint author) :
- Address (all authors) :
- Ph (M) (all authors) :
- Sub-theme of the Paper :
- Facet No. :
- Title of the paper :
- Paper submission fees details : Amount Rs 1000.00, DD No. Date:
- Date of submission of three print copies and soft copy:
(Pl. send print / hard copy (three sets) for processing of your paper)
I/We do hereby declare that the paper has not been submitted elsewhere for publication/ presentation.
========================================================================================================== পীযূষকান্তি পাণিগ্রাহী Dr Pijushkanti Panigrahi, Professor , Dept of Lib and Inf Science, 3rd Floor Asutosh Building, University of Calcutta, 87/1 College Street,Kolkata - 700 073, West Bengal, India, email :panigrahipk@yahoo.com, panigrahipk11@gmail.com, (M) : +91 94342 43522. General Secretary, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), P-291, CIT Scheme No 6M , Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700 054, India; Associate Editor,IASLIC Bulletin ; Member, Library Committee, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata. |
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