Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Job opening position in Library, Shiv Nadar University, Noida

Shiv Nadar University Invite applications for the positions in Library. Role and Designation given below, candidate must have required qualification and Experience as per standards of academic institution of repute.

Duties of the Assistant Librarian:

1. To interact with the academic community of the University in order to determine 
their requirements of reading materials, and acquires the same for the library.
2. To classify the documents bringing out their contents in class numbers provides 
reference services and documentation services to the faculty members, research 
scholars and students.
3. Prepare bibliographies and indexes.
4. Act as the liaison between the Librarian/Deputy Librarian and staff for communication 
purposes and supervise the activities of section.
5. To attend correspondence relating to the section.
6. Any other duties assigned from time to time.

Duties of the Library Assistants:

1. Process new books and non-book materials.
2. Shelve and re-shelve books and other items on racks in a systemized classified order.
3. Charging and Discharging books and other materials at circulation desks.
4. Enter and update patrons" records on database and locate books and other materials for library users.
5. Give a small orientation to readers on OPAC search and use of reference sources.
6. Perform duties time to time assigned by their immediate library

Please send application at and visit for more information and about location of University


Vikas Kumar 
HR -Shiv Nadar University

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