Saturday, 30 June 2012

Project Vacancy in Central Library, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Walk-in-interviews: on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 at
11:30 A.M. in the Central Library, 
Indian Statistical Institute,
Kolkata for recruitment of one (01) Project linked person
purely on temporary basis.

Qualification: A consistently good academic record with MLIS or its equivalent.

Pay: Rs 14000/pm (Consolidated)

Tenure: Initially up to 31 March 2013.

Age: 35 years as on 1 May 2012. Relaxation for
SC/ST/OBC/Women/Physically Challenged/Extraordinary candidates.


(An Institute of National Importance by MHRD, Govt. of India)
Silchar – 788010 (Assam)


 Following posts are to be filled on Contractual basis (purely temporary) through a Walk-in-Interview on 9th July, 2012 at 2:00 pm
1.    Information Scientist: Qualification: BE/MCA with Library experience or AIS/AIDS. Salary: Negotiable.
2.    Library & Information Assistant: Qualification: BLISc/MLISc/AIS with 2/3 year experience. Salary: Negotiable
Eligible candidates are to submit their complete bio-data along with photo copies of all testimonials, one copy photograph and to bring all original documents at the time of interview. For further information,
please contact:
Kishor Chandra Satpathy, PhD
National Institute of Technology
(A Deemed University-Institute of National Importance under Ministry of HRD, GOI)
Silchar-788010, Assam, India
Telephone         : +91-3842-240055 (Off)  +91-9435175531 (M)
E-mail               : and

IIM (Indian Institute of Management) Kashipur

IIM (Indian Institute of Management) Kashipur

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Recruitment of one (01) Project linked person at Central Library, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Walk-in-interviews will be conducted on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 at 11:30 A.M. in the Central Library, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata for recruitment of one (01) Project linked person purely on temporary basis.

Qualification: A consistently good academic record with MLISC or its equivalent.

Pay: Rs 14000/pm (Consolidated)

Tenure: Initially up to 31 March 2013.

Age: 35 years as on 1 May 2012. Usaul relaxation for
SC/ST/OBC/Women/Physically Challenged/Extraordinary candidates.

Visit for details.

University of Kalyani Recruitment 2012 Library Assistants

Kalyani UnivUniversity of Klayani, Kalyani invites application for engagement of some Library Assistants on purely temporary and contractual basis not exceeding a period of six months initially from the date of such engagement.
Name of the Post  
Library Assistants
                        Rs.8000/- only p.m. No TA/DA is admissible.
Qualification: Graduate with Honours. Bachelor of Library and information Science from any UGC recognized University. Adequate Knowledge in computer application.
Walk in Interview will be held on 2nd July 2012 at 11 AM in the Central Library, University of Kalyani.

ज्ञान पर व्यवस्था का अंधेरा

ज्ञान पर व्यवस्था का अंधेरा
सोनाक्षी शर्मा, मेरठ
अपने बलबूते मेरठ की किताबें सात समंदर पार पहुंच चुकी हैं। विदेशों को किताबें निर्यात कर तीन सौ से अधिक प्रकाशक करीब सात सौ करोड़ का कारोबार कर रहे हैं। किड्स पुस्तकों की विदेश में आपूर्ति के मामले में प्रदेश में मेरठ का कोई सानी नहीं है। इसके बावजूद मेरठ महानगर का एक मात्र राजकीय पुस्तकालय अपनी बदहाली पर आंसू बहा रहा है।
हालत यह है कि पाठक पुस्तकालय तलाश रहे हैं, फिर भी व्यवस्था में कोई सुधार नहीं हो रहा है।
मेरठ के कस्बा सरधना की बेगम समरू ने ईसाई धर्म स्वीकार करने के बाद पहली प्रिटिंग मशीन लगाई। बाद में इसे क्रांतिकारी साहित्य छपने के डर से अंग्रेजी सरकार ने बंद करा दिया लेकिन प्रकाशन उद्योग के विकास का रास्ता अपने बलबूते आगे बढ़ता गया। अब तस्वीर यह है कि चिल्ड्न बुक में हर 15 वें दिन यहां की कोई न कोई बुक बाजार में आ रही है। देश के विभिन्न राज्यों के अलावा अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन, साउथ ईस्ट एशिया, सिंगापुर व दुबई आदि देशों में मेरठ में छपी पुस्तकों की डिमांड है। सबके बावजूद प्रदेश सरकार का ध्यान मेरठ के राजकीय पुस्तकालय पर नहीं है।
देश की आजादी के साथ ही राजकीय इंटर कालेज के बराबर में राजकीय पुस्तकालय की स्थापना हुई। इस पुस्तकालय का 60 के दशक में हाल यह रहा कि राजनीति में होते हुए भी पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री चौधरी चरणसिंह इस पुस्तकालय में आकर अध्ययन किया करते थे। उनके द्वारा लिखित पुस्तकों में भी इसका उल्लेख है। शासन की नजर में यह पुस्तकालय ए ग्रेड का है। 37 हजार पुस्तकें भी यहां हैं। 5700 नियमित सदस्य भी है। 500 से अधिक दुर्लभ पुस्तकें भी पुस्तकालय में है। अधिकांश पुस्तक ऐसी है, जो आला अफसर अपने साथ ले गए पर उन्हें वापस नहीं किया। पुस्तकालय के कम्प्यूटरीकरण को तीन कम्प्यूटर जरूर आए हैं पर इंटरनेट का कनेक्शन दो साल से नहीं मिला। इस कारण यह कम्प्यूटर डिब्बे से बाहर नहीं निकल पाए। स्थान सीमित होने के कारण पुस्तक रखने को जगह कम पड़ गई है।
पुस्तकालय अध्यक्ष आरसी निमोकर बताते है कि बच्चों की पुस्तक होने से यहां बच्चे बड़ी संख्या में आते है। इतना जरूर है कि पुस्तकालय के लिए शासन स्तर से बजट नही मिल रहा है।

Librarian Vacancy, Dhirendra Mahila Post Graduate College, Sunderpur, Varanasi, U.P

Post: Librarian

Qualification: MLIS
Institute: Dhirendra Mahila P.G. College
Address: Karmajeetpur, Sunderpur, Varanasi, U.P
Last Date: 06 July, 2012
Contact No: 0542-2575787, 09453006202

Source: Dainik Jagran, Varanasi ed. 29 June 2012


College of Vety. Sc. & Animal Husbandry, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram
Posted :  26 Jun 2012 09:10 AM PDT
Advertisement  No.  2/2012
Aizawl, the 11th June, 2012
Post : Library Assistant (3) 1 ST, 2 UR
Essential Qualification : Bachelor’s degree in Library/Documentation Science or equivalent.
Desirable : Knowledge of English and Hindi
Pay Scale No. of Post Category 5200-20200/- + GP ` 2800/-
The completed application form along with prescribed fee should reach the office of the Dean, College of Vety. Sc. & A.H.,  Selesih, Aizawl, on or before 21 th July, 2012. Name of the post applied for must be superscribed on the envelope
More for Details :

Post of "Technical Assistant" at Wardha

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Non-Teaching posts:
Post : Technical Assistant (Library-01 ST)
Qualification : B.Lib & diploma in Computer Application
Age : 35
Last Date of submission of application is 08.08.2012 upto 6:00 PM.
For more details :

Librarian/ Assistant Librarian at World College of Technology and Management, Gurgaon

World College of Technology and Management
Farukhnagar, Gurgaon 

Librarian/ Assistant Librarian are required For Electrical/ Mechanical/ Civil/ ECE/ CSE/ Phys/ Chemistry Lab, Physical Education Teacher College.

Location: Gurgaon
Salary: As per AICTE/ State Govt. Norms. Salary will not be a constraint for deserving candidates
Candidates may send their CV at by email and also attend Walk-in-Interview with photo & CV on Sunday July 1, 2012 (Time 1100 Hrs to 1630 Hrs) at the College Premises. The College transport bus will be available from Dhaulakuan, time 0900 Hrs and 1100 Hrs from Huda City Center Metro Station on Sunday, July 1, 2012.
For More Info, Please Contact on  Mobile No.s : 09728124349, 09992920113

“Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Library and Knowledge Management” (Full Time & Part Time) for the year 2012-2013.

Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamilnadu is happy to announce admission to the Programme “Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Library and Knowledge Management” (Full Time & Part Time) for the year 2012-2013.
This PGDKM course aims at imparting the updated knowledge and skills on digital information resources, Web Technologies and Knowledge Management tools, that would contribute the information environment in higher academic, research, corporate, industrial, government institutions. 
There is a burgeoning need for trained librarians in the light of national priorities like National Mission on Education through
Information and Communication technology (NME-ICT) and National Knowledge Commission (NKC), SANKSET, EDUSAT and e-learning and e-governance initiative of government and International organizations. Library professional, scholars, teachers can benefit of this academic programme 
The Programme offered on both full time and part time, consist of theory papers, Practical training, intensive, seminars and Project.

Candidates who have passed or appeared in final year of MLISc or an equivalent course are eligible.
Duration: 1 Year
Application forms alongwith information brochures can be downloaded from Bharathidasan University website: or
Candidates can submit the filled-in applications along with a demand draft for Rs. 300/- (SC/ST – Rs. 150) drawn in favour of “Bharathidasan University, Trichy - 24, either in person or by post, to the Associate Professor & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, , Bharathidasan University, Trichy - 27. As the programme is under concurrent scheme, the scholars, M.Phil., Students and MLIS final year students can also be admitted.
Last Date: 30/07/2012
Please visit for downloading the prospectus and application form or feel free to write to or call us.
Dr. S. Srinivasa Ragavan
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Library and Information Science.
Bharathidasan University
Trichy – 24
Cell: 9486916358

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Online lending library gives reading a new lease of life

School students enjoy a story-telling session.
School students enjoy a story-telling session.

But with school students increasingly being hooked to their laptops and iPads, the worry is that many in the current generation might never fully appreciate the joy of books.For years, libraries have been thronged by children searching for their favourite authors or preparing to spend a lazy weekend curled up with a novel in hand.

But the same technology that snatches away the joy of holding a book also seems to find a way to keep the current crop hooked to it. Along with all other goods and services that have gone from brick and mortar to their online avatar, so have libraries.
Online lending libraries have become a popular way of piquing interest among today's children to give book reading a shot, much to the delight of parents and teachers.
One such initiative that has seen success is (skip the dots and pronounce it)
“ILR was founded by Amrutash Mishra and Sahil Gore in Chennai, and launched in Coimbatore early this year.

People have the liberty to browse through a wide collection of books belonging to every genre possible and get them delivered with just a click.
We have tie-ups with several schools in Tamil Nadu where we have begun the Book Lovers Program for Schools (BLPS). A series of activities at BLPS equips teachers to handle storytelling sessions for the children.
The stories complement the curriculum and are for students upto class 8. It's a great platform for them to be exposed to the wonderful world of stories. Add-on libraries are also implemented in schools”, says R. Anitha, who runs ILR in Coimbatore.
“We conducted an interactive event recently in Coimbatore, and it was a great success. Ms. Shilpa Krishnan,a veteran storyteller from Chennai and a part of the BLPS program, enthralled kids in a fun session. She also spoke to parents about the importance of art in a child's life”, she adds.
Anitha signs off by saying, “In order to ensure we keep up with emerging trends in reading, we add atleast 400-odd books to our library each month.
People who aren't net-savvy can register and avail the service by phone as well. We have plans to infuse corporates with the love of reading soon too!”
Maya Gowri, a working young mother from Coimbatore comments, “My youngest son Vishwa is in class 4, and as much as I'd like to take him to the library every week, we parents sometimes do not find the time.
An online library is a great opportunity for us to inculcate the habit of reading in him, and through the convenience of a laptop.
Also, it's very useful for working professionals like me to come home and catch up on some much-needed lost reading from over the years!”

Chowmahalla Palace to house royal library

HYDERABAD: There is hectic activity going on at the Mahtab Mahal of Chowmahalla Palace. Inside the freshly painted gigantic mahal, staffers are busy unloading an array of timeworn books from the huge wooden trunks of the Asaf Jahi period. These books, neglected for over four decades, were recently shifted from the Nazri Bagh and Chiran Palace to Chowmahalla, their new home. Palace officials said that in about two months Mahtab Mahal will transform into a library with a rare and valuable collection of books belonging to the Asaf Jahi Nizams who loved literature and were poets themselves. They said that research scholars will now be able to turn the pages of history, literally.
The huge collection has been pooled in from the three Asaf Jahi palaces including Chowmahalla, Nazri Bagh and Chiran and belongs to the VI Nizam Mir Mahboob Ali Khan, VII Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan and the titular Nizam Mukarram Jah. Manuscripts in Urdu, Arabic, Persian as well as an enviable collection of English books, a chunk of them from the United Kingdom, figure in the collection. Several volumes of Mir Osman Ali Khan's poetry are also a part of the assemblage. Officials said that the books are from all over the globe and that conservation works started about four months ago.
If the official estimates are to go by, there are 5,000-6,000 books covering diverse subjects but a considerable chunk deal with history, art and culture. Several Islamic books are also part of the massive collection.
Till a few months ago, much of the royal furniture adorned the Mahtab Mahal. Through this part of the palace, the conservationists had made an attempt to depict the opulent life of the Nizams.
It had a dining hall, living room, an English and Indian darbar apart from a bedroom. "The mahal has been converted into a library. This royal library is coming up in the palace with rare books dating back to the 16th century. A web directory is also being created," said G Kishan Rao, director, Chowmahalla Palace. Research scholars can make use of the facility, he added.
While there was a large collection of books at Falaknuma Palace as well, it has been converted into the Palace Library, a replica of the one at Windsor Castle, on the same premises.
Even this library at Falaknuma Palace is home to the rarest of manuscripts, books and one of the most acclaimed collections of the Quran in the country, all of which were selected by the Nizam himself.

Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation library cess dues go up to Rs. 25 crore

Library cess forms 8 per cent of the property tax paid to Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC).
Libraries have of late begun receiving funds from the State Government lifting them up from the earlier mess but civic bodies continue to delay payment of the library cess component to them.
According AP Grandhalaya Parishad Chairman and journalist Turlapati Kutumba Rao, GVMC owed the Zilla Grandhalaya Samstha (ZGS) around Rs.20 crore for the period 2006-07 to 2010-11. With the latest arrears it would come to around Rs.25 crore.
He said he would address a letter to Municipal Commissioner B. Ramanjaneyulu on the issue. The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation also owed Rs.18 crore towards library cess two, three years ago but owing to persistent efforts it came down to Rs.9 crore now. Mr. Kutumba Rao told reporters here on Tuesday that the budget for libraries was a record Rs.96 crore for the current year. The government was also likely to allow recruitment for some of the vacant posts. Compared to the situation in 1997 when libraries were sought to be given to voluntary organisations the situation was much better now. After the Rajasekhar Reddy government came to power in 2004 Rs.13 crore was allocated.
Besides meeting staff salaries and bills, wherever necessary, buildings would be constructed and infrastructure provided with the budgetary allocation. He said the libraries were playing a key role in providing books to students appearing at competitive examinations. Under “On demand,” libraries would get books sought by aspirants if they are not already available. Internet connections were also being made available at libraries on hourly payment basis.
On the purchase of books, he said the Parishad was getting Rs.1 crore from Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation and by adding an equal amount was getting books for the libraries in the State. ZGS secretary P. Krishna Rao said contrary to the popular view the number of readers to the libraries was growing partly because of the preparation for competitive examinations.
Mr. Kutumab Rao recalled the contribution of greats like Ayyaki Venkataramanaiah, Gadicherla Hari Sarvottama Rao and Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, among others, to the growth of library movement in the country and the State before the country got freedom after the inspiration provided by Mahatma Gandhi. Former librarian of Mrs. AVN College R.V. Gopala Rao and president of Society for Promotion of Public Libraries P.S.N. Murthy were present.

Librarian Vacancy, Shridhar University, Pilani, Rajashthan

Post: Librarian

Institute: Shridhar University
Pilani, Chirawa Road. Pilani, Rajasthan-333031
Contact: 1596-510000
Fax: 1596-510002

Walk in on: 7 and 8 July 2012 at-
101, Krishna Plaza, 1st floor, Garh Road, Meerut, U.P
Mob: 09837062107, 08003090115

Source: The Ascent, Times of India, Lucknow ed. 27 June 2012

Librarian Vacancy at Dr. Alka Tiwari School of Nursing and S.P. Memorial College of Law, Allahabad, U.P

Post: Librarian

Institute: Dr. Alka Tiwari School of Nursing and S.P. Memorial College of Law
Location: Allahabad, U.P
Contact Address: Vinayak Complex, Elgin Road, Civil Lines, Allahabad, U.P
Phone: 0532-2403099, 9794524947, 07897299698

Source: The Times of India, Lucknow ed., Times Ascent, Page No. 3, dated 27 June 2012

Books on information sources released

Mysore, Jun 27, 2012, DHNS :
Once novelty is known ideas would be taken forward

Three books related to use of libraries and information resources was released at of library and information science department, University of Mysore, here on Wednesday.

The book written by R Guruprasad and Khaiser Nikam ‘Recent Trends in Electronic Information resources Usage Among Scientists, Engineers and Technologies — A Comprehensive Literature Review’ released by journalist Rajashekar Koti, assists researchers to select topic for their thesis. The book is on growth, development and evolution of subjects and identifies novelty in literature. 

Once the novelty is known, works would not be duplicated and innovative ideas would be taken forward. 

The book is useful to researchers not only form library science but also from physics, engineering and other related fields. 

The book could be a source for researchers for gathering information, editing, providing with keywords, etc in a logical manner. Few chapters in the book throws light on communication behaviour of researchers. 

Communication by aero scientists, engineers and others in accordance with print media, electronic media and digital media and availability of resources for them is available. 

The second book ‘Strategic Management of Engineering College Libraries in Karnataka’ written by K S Dinesh and Khaiser Nikam, released by principal of SJCE B G Sangameshwar, is based on a detailed study conducted on 80 engineering colleges out of 125 affiliated to the VTU. 

The study has considered institutions that are at least 10 years old. It acts as a guide about facilities provided at libraries there, ambience. 

The book would help planning and construction of libraries in engineering colleges.

Former V-C of Kuvempu University P Venkataramaiah released the book written by R 
Guruprasad and Khaiser Nikam ‘Use Patterns of Electronic Information Resources by Aerospace Scientists and Engineers in Bangalore, India’. It is a source of information on 16 organisations, including NAL, ISRO and IISc and scientists and engineers working there. 

It has adopted unique methods to identify usage of e-journals, internet, e-thesis, e-reports, open sources, etc known as ‘transaction log analysis’ or ‘web log analysis’, which enabled access to information directly from publishers and writers’ end.

President of All Karnataka Engineering College Library Professional Association (AKELPA) N Chowdappa, R Guruprasad, chairperson of library and information science department Khaiser Nikam and K S Dinesh were present.

Move afoot to revive library culture

Mysore: Even as the world is going gaga over digitization of library resources, the department of Library and Information Sciences, Manasagangotri, has taken lead in bringing the research tradition back. 

With an aim of capturing users' interests towards the use of library resources, three books that are in the form of research thesis, were released here on Wednesday. 

The books were penned by researchers Dinesh K S, R Guruprasad and Khaiser Nikam, chairperson, DOS in Library and Information Sciences. 

These books act as an excellent incentive for the future researchers that deal with the availability of library material in the universities along with an exhaustive literature review,Khaiser Nikam said. 

Dinesh K S, author of the Strategic Management of Engineering College Libraries in Karnataka, said it is an extensive study on the means and ways of attracting the students to the library that are deserted in the internet age. P Ventaramaiah, former vice-chancellor of Kuvempu University and N Chowdappa, president of AKELPA, were present.


School Librarian Vacancy at St. Xavier's High School, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh

Post: School Librarian

School: St. Xavier's High School

Mail resume to:
Candidates having Exp. in CBSE school preferred.

Walk in on: Sunday 1 July, 2012
Interview Venue: St. Xavier's High School, Ailwal
Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: 09795419935 & 08400990521

Source: Times of India, Varanasi Ed. 28 June 2012

Library Assistant Vacancy at Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM)

Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM)
Posted: 26 Jun 2012 08:59 AM PDT
Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM) inviting application for the
Post: Library Assistant

No of  posts :(2)(UR & OBC) (By direct recruitment)
Pay Scale:  9300-34800 + GP-4200 (PB-2)
Essential Qualifications: i) A degree of a recognized University.
ii) Degree in Library Science from a recognized university/ institute.
Desirable Qualifications:i) PG Degree in Library Science/ Tourism Management.

Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years on the prescribed last date of submission of applications.
Complete application as per the prescribed format along with application fee should submitted to the Administrative Officer, Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Govindpuri, Gwalior (MP)- 474011, latest by 27th July 2012



Posted: 26 Jun 2012 09:10 AM PDT
College of Vety. Sc. & Animal Husbandry, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram
Advertisement No. 2/2012
Aizawl, the 11th June, 2012

Post and Qualification: Library Assistant
Essential Qualification :Bachelor’s degree in Library/Documentation Science or equivalent.
Desirable : Knowledge of English and Hindi

The completed application form along with prescribed fee should reach the office of the Dean, College of Vety. Sc. & A.H., Selesih, Aizawl, on or before 21 th July, 2012. Name of the post applied for must be superscribed on the envelope
Name of Post Library Assistant (3) 1 ST, 2 UR
Pay Scale No. of Post Category 5200-20200/- + GP ` 2800/-

Librarian Vacancy, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission

Post: Librarian

Total Post : 29 Posts.
Age Limit : 18 - 35 Years.

Deadline: 25 June to 25 July 2012

Exam Date: 1 & 2, September 2012

Apply Online at:

Application Invited for the post of Librarian online : TNPSC (Tamilnadu Public Service Commission) has issued notification to the recruitment of Librarian. All eligible candidates can apply online through official website of TNPS from 25/06/2012 to 25/07/2012 . Allother Details regarding Age Limit , Educational Qualification ,Application Fee , How to apply are available on official website someimportant information are given below.

Educational Qualification : please refer official Advertisement.

Application Fee (Examination FEE):Rs 150/- ( Application Fee Rs 50/- + Examination FEE Rs 100/-)
How To apply : Apply online through official Website of TNPSC from 25/06/2012 to 25/07/2012.
Procedure To apply Online ,Candidates are first required to log on to the TNPSC’s website or Click “Apply Online” to open up the On-Line Application Form. Select the name of the post or service for which you wish to apply. If you already have Unique ID, please enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them, if necessary. If you do not have valid ID, please enter all the required particulars without skipping any field.  Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature. An online application is incomplete without the photograph and
signature upload.

शहीद पुस्तकालय को उद्धारक की तलाश

शहीद पुस्तकालय को उद्धारक की तलाश
बेनीपंट्टी (मधुबनी), निप्र : बेनीपंट्टी बाजार स्थित पोस्ट ऑफिस के निकट शहीद पुस्तकालय को अतिक्रमण से मुक्त कराने में प्रशासन विफल है। सिर्फ नाम का यह पुस्तकालय दो दशक से उद्धारक की तलाश कर रहा है। इस संबंध में एसडीओ राशिद कलीम अंसारी ने बताया कि शीघ्र ही शहीद पुस्तकालय को अतिक्रमण से मुक्त कराया जाएगा। इसके लिए कवायद शुरू कर दी गई हैं।
मालूम हो कि सांसद भोगेन्द्र झा ने वर्ष 1991 में शहीद पुस्तकालय के भवन के निर्माण के लिए दो लाख 40 हजार रुपये राशि दी थी। शहीद पुस्तकालय के भवन शुरू हुआ लेकिन सरकारी बदइंतजामी के करण पुस्तकालय के भवन अधूरा ही रहा। दो दशक से पुस्तकालय अपने जीर्णोद्धार की बाट जोह रहा है परन्तु सरकार व प्रशासन इसे गंभीरता से नहीं ले रही है। एक ओर जहां पुस्तकालय भवन की जमीन को अतिक्रमण कर रास्ते को बंद कर दिया गया है वहीं दूसरी ओर काम के लिए बल्कि नाम के लिए बना यह पुस्तकालय अपन वजूद खोता जा रहा है। पुस्तकालय का भवन आवारा पशुओं का अड्डा बन गया है। परिसर में गंदगी व कूड़ा-कर्कट फेंका जा रहा है।

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Assistant Librarian Vacancy at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad

Post: Assistant Librarian

Institution-NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad

Eligibility:  i. Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree (Library Science)
ii. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET.

Librarian at Dr. M C Saxena College of Education, Lucknow

Post: Librarian

Qualification: M.Lib with 2 years Experience

Institution-Dr. M C Saxena College of Education, Lucknow

Interested Candidates may send there resume  within 7 days to Registrar

or to :  Registrar, Dr. M.C. Saxena College of Education, 171, Barawan Kala, IIM, Bypass, Lucknow


Source: The Times of India, Lucknow Ed., Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Assistant Librarian and Library Clerk at SVPKM's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai

Post: Assistant Librarian and Library Clerk
Institution-SVPKM's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai
Send Application to the Principal at below mentioned address within 15 days
Source: The Times of India, Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Chief Librarian and Librarian at Global Institute of Tech. and Management, Gurgaon

Post: Chief Librarian and Librarian 
Institution-Global Institute of Tech. and Management, Gurgaon
Mail Resume to:
Source: The Times of India, Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Delhi Public School, Maruti Kunj Gurgaon

Post: Junior Librarian 
Institution-Delhi Public Scholl, Gurgaon
Application form are available at School @ 100 Rs. 
Last Date- 07.07.2012
Source: The Times of India, Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Librarian and Assistant Librarian at IEC Group of Institutions, Greater Noida

Post: Librarian and Assistant Librarian 
Institution-IEC Group of Institutions, Greater Noida
Mail Resume to:
Source: The Times of India, Wednesday 27 June, 2012


Post of Library Assistant at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad

Post: Library Assistant
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad
Mail Resume to:
Source: The Times of India, Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Google Policy Fellowship programme at The Centre for Internet and Society

The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) is inviting applications for the Google Policy Fellowship programme. Google is providing a USD 7,500 stipend to the India Fellow, who will be selected by August 15, 2012.

The Google Policy Fellowship [1] offers successful candidates an opportunity to develop research and debate on the fellowship focus areas, which include Access to Knowledge, Openness in India, Freedom
of Expression, Privacy, and Telecom, for a period of about ten weeks starting from August 2012 upto October 2012. CIS will select the India Fellow. Send in your applications for the position by June 27, 2012.

 To apply, please send to google.fellowship@ cis-india. org [2] the following materials:

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: A brief write-up outlining about your interest and qualifications for the programme including the relevant academic, professional and extracurricular experiences. As part of the
write-up, also explain on what you hope to gain from participation in the programme and what research work concerning free expression online you would like to further through this programme. (About 1200 words max).
    * RESUME


  1. ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE: Studies looking at access to knowledge issues in India in light of copyright law, consumers law, parallel imports and the interplay between pervasive technologies and intellectual property rights, targeted at policymakers, Members of Parliament, publishers, photographers, filmmakers, etc.
  2. OPENNESS IN INDIA: Studies with policy recommendations on open access to scholarly literature, free access to law, open content, open standards, free and open source software, aimed at policymakers, policy researchers, academics and the general public.
  3. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Studies on policy, regulatory and legislative issues concerning censorship and freedom of speech and expression online, aimed at bloggers, journalists, authors and the general public.
  4. PRIVACY: Studies on privacy issues like data protection and the right to information, limits to privacy in light of the provisions of the constitution, media norms and privacy, banking and financial privacy, workplace privacy, privacy and wire-tapping, e-governance and privacy, medical privacy, consumer privacy, etc., aimed at policymakers and the public.
  5. TELECOM: Building awareness and capacity on telecommunication policy in India for researchers and academicians, policymakers and regulators, consumer and civil society organisations, education and library institutions and lay persons through the creation of a dedicated web based resource focusing on knowledge dissemination.


What is the Google Policy Fellowship program?
The Google Policy Fellowship program offers students interested in Internet and technology related policy issues with an opportunity to spend their summer working on these issues at the Centre for Internet and Society at Bangalore. Students will work for a period of ten weeks starting from July 2012. The research agenda for the program is based on legal and policy frameworks in the region connected to the ground-level perceptions of the fellowship focus areas mentioned above.

I am an International student can I apply and participate in the program? Are there any age restrictions on participating?
Yes. You must be 18 years of age or older by January 1, 2012 to be eligible to participate in Google Policy Fellowship program in 2012.

Are there citizenship requirements for the Fellowship?

For the time being, we are only accepting students eligible to work in India (e.g. Indian citizens, permanent residents of India, and individuals presently holding an Indian student visa. Google cannot
provide guidance or assistance on obtaining the necessary documentation to meet the criteria.

Who is eligible to participate as a student in Google Policy Fellowship program?
In order to participate in the program, you must be a student. Google defines a student as an individual enrolled in or accepted into an accredited institution including (but not necessarily limited to)
colleges, universities, masters programs, PhD programs and undergraduate programs. Eligibility is based on enrollment in an accredited university by January 1, 2012.

I am an International student can I apply and participate in the program?
In order to participate in the program, you must be a student (see Google's definition of a student above). You must also be eligible to work in India (see section on citizen requirements for fellowship above). Google cannot provide guidance or assistance on obtaining the necessary documentation to meet this criterion.

I have been accepted into an accredited post-secondary school program, but have not yet begun attending. Can I still take part in the program?
As long as you are enrolled in a college or university program as of January 1, 2012, you are eligible to participate in the program.

I graduate in the middle of the program. Can I still participate?
As long as you are enrolled in a college or university program as of January 1, 2012, you are eligible to participate in the program.


     How do payments work?*

  • Google will provide a stipend of USD 7,500 equivalent to each Fellow for the summer.
  • Accepted students in good standing with their host organization will receive a USD 2,500 stipend payable shortly after they begin the Fellowship in August 2012.
  •  Students who receive passing mid-term evaluations by their host organization will receive a USD 1,500 stipend shortly after the mid-term evaluation in September 2012.
  •  Students who receive passing final evaluations by their host organization and who have submitted their final program evaluations will receive a USD 3,500 stipend shortly after final evaluations in
  • October 2012.

Please note: _Payments will be made by electronic bank transfer, and are contingent upon satisfactory evaluations by the host organization, completion of all required enrollment and other forms. Fellows are
responsible for payment of any taxes associated with their receipt of the Fellowship stipend_.

While the three step payment structure given here corresponds to the one in the United States, disbursement of the amount may be altered as felt necessary.

What documentation is required from students?

Students should be prepared, upon request, to provide Google or the host organization with transcripts from their accredited institution as proof of enrollment or admission status. Transcripts do not need to
be official (photo copy of original will be sufficient).

I would like to use the work I did for my Google Policy Fellowship to obtain course credit from my university. Is this acceptable?

Yes. If you need documentation from Google to provide to your school for course credit, you can contact Google. We will not provide documentation until we have received a final evaluation from your
mentoring organization.
What is Google's relationship with the Centre for Internet and Society?
 Google provides the funding and administrative support for individual fellows directly. Google and the Centre for Internet and Society are not partners or affiliates. The Centre for Internet and Society does not represent the views or opinions of Google and cannot bind Google legally.


     What is the program timeline?

     June 27, 2012

     Student Application Deadline. Applications must be received by midnight.

     July 18, 2012

     Student applicants are notified of the status of their applications.

     August 2012

     Students begin their fellowship with the host organization (start date to be determined by students and the host organization) ; Google issues initial student stipends.

     September 2012

     Mid-term evaluations; Google issues mid-term stipends.

     October 2012

     Final evaluations; Google issues final stipends.

For More Information:
[1] http://crm.cis- administrator/ components/ com_civicrm/ civicrm/extern/ url.php?u= 1846&qid= 193629
[2] mailto:google.fellowship@ cis-india. org
[3] http://default/ http://crm. cis-india. org/index. php?option= com_civicrm& task=civicrm/ mailing/optout& reset=1&jid= 410&qid=193629& h=19363be2a909ce 76
