MANGALORE: The Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy has decided to put its collection of books to good use. It is planning to distribute the books to 120 schools in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi where Konkani is taught as a third language.
In its endeavour to encourage Konkani writers, the academy purchases books and compact discs worth Rs 2,000 published in the immediate past calendar year.
With an objective to ensure that these schools have a Konkani section in their libraries, the academy will take out a ratha yatra - 'Konkani Sahitya Ratha' (Konkani literary chariot). It will cover 20 schools (of the 120) in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi on June 21 and 22 to hand over the books.
"Konkani is being taught as the third language in schools since 2007-08 and it is high time that these schools have a Konkani section in their libraries" said Kasargod Chinna, the president of the academy.
B Devadas Pai, the registrar of the academy told TOI there had been no specific library section for Konkani in the past in schools.
"The academy had given an assurance that it would help schools open Konkani section in their libraries. The academy with this move is making good its promise. While books will be given to 20 schools through the yatra, it will be delivered to remaining 100 schools.
The books will cut across all genres of Konkani literature including short stories, poems, drama and novels.
The academy had purchased books and compact discs worth Rs 1 lakh last year.
Acknowledging that most of these books remain unsold, he said the academy members felt that the students could make use of the same.
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