Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Question Bank for UGC-NET - 2

Information is …
(A) Raw data
(B) Raw knowledge
(C) Input data
(D) Organized data
Answer: (D)

‘Fair use’ is a term most relevant to :
(A) Intellectual Property Rights
(B) Books borrowed for home reading
(C) Copy right
(D) Use of reference books
Answer: (C)

WIPO stands for :
(A) World Information and Patents Organisation
(B) World Intellectual Property Organisation
(C) World International Property Organisation
(D) World Information Protection Organisation
Answer: (B)

Handling of Information in the sense of production is called :
(A) Information Marketing
(B) Information Industry
(C) Information Production
(D) Information Revolution
Answer: (B)

BERN CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with :
(A) Translations
(B) Copyright
(C) Patent
(D) Standards
Answer: (B)

Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as :
(A) Invisible College
(B) Information Gatekeeper
(C) Communication Gatekeeper
(D) Knowledge Management
Answer: (A)

Which one of the following is not associated with the communication system.
(A) Reciever
(B) Channel
(C) Sender
(D) Entropy
Answer: (D)

Which is correct logical sequence of the following.
(A)  Information, Knowledge, Data, Wisdom
(B)  Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Data
(C) Wisdom, Information, Data, Knowledge
(D)  Data, Infomation, Knowledge, Wisdom
Answer: (D)

The invisible web refers to-
(A)  the internet, since we cannot see it
(B)  that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
(C) the telecommunication signals which are not seen
(D)  the failure in accessing the web pages
Answer: (B)

Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India.
(A)   B.S. Jha
(B)  K.P. Sinha
(C) S. Mudaliar
(D)  C.D. Deshmukh
Answer: (A)

Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national level.
Answer: (D)

Where is the head quarter of PatentInformation System in India.
(A) Pune
(B) Mumbai
(C) Nagpur
(D) Delhi
Answer: (C)

The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on .
(A)  American Patent Law 1810
(B)  British Patent Law 1852
(C) The Patent Bill
(D)  The Design Act of 1911
Answer: (B)

Whether intellectual property can be sold.
(A)  No
(B)  Sale is possible
(C) Yes
(D)  None of these
Answer: (B)

The term communication came from which language?
(A)  Greek
(B)  Latin
(C) German
(D)  French
Answer: (B)

Who is the propounder of the term information transfer ?
(A)  Ranganathan
(B)  J.Martin
(C) Beesman
(D)  Calvin Moores
Answer: (C)

To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society ?
(B) France
(C) Japan
(D) India
Answer: (C)

Today information is regarded as which of the following ?
(A) Wealth
(B) Commodity
(C) Products
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)

Now a day’s what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a country?
(A)  Books
(B) Knowledge
(C) Information
(D) Data
Answer: (C)

What is the unit of information?
(A)  Bit
(B)  Byte
(C)  Gram
(D)  Hertz
Answer: (A)

Delivery of Book Act passed in the year
(A) 1963
(B) 1972
(C) 1960
(D) 1954
Answer :(D)1954

Who is the Father of a computer
(A) Steve Jobs
(B) Vint Cerf
(C) Tim Berners-Lee
(D) Charles Babbage
Answer: (D)

When was Dr.S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library science
(A) 1942
(B) 1962
(C) 1972
(D) 1952
Answer: (B) (1962)

Which Indian University first started M.Lib.Sc. & M.Phil courses
(A) University of Delhi
(B) University of Madras
(C) S.N.D.T. Women University, Bombay
(D) Aligar Muslim University
Answer : (A)

Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for development of Libraries
(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Committee
(B) Mehrotra Committee
(C) Kothari committee
(D) Curriculum development committee in LIS
Answer: (C)

(A) Software
(B) A Programme
(C) Welfare association
(D) A committee
Answer: (B)

Where did Dr. S. R. Ranganathan put forth his five laws of library science?
(A) Meenakshi college, Annamalainagar
(B) Hindu College, New Delhi
(C) City College, Bangalore
(D) Christ College, Bangalore
Answer: (A)

When did ILA became the member of IFLA?
(A) 1952
(B) 1955
(C) 1957
(D) 1965
Answer: (C)

In which year Aslib was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing?
(A) 2003
(B) 2005
(C) 2009
(D) 2010
Answer: (D)

Which association`s tagline is “managing information”?
(B) Aslib
(D) LC
Answer: (B)

Which association`s tagline is “connecting people and information”?
Answer: (A)

When was the International institute of Documentation established?
(A) 1931
(B) 1934
(C) 1940
(D) 1945
Answer: (A)

Which organization has introduced the concept of “Sister libraries” for children`s and young adults reading?
(C) LC
(D) LA
Answer: (B)

In which year the ISBN allocation office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi?
(A) 2009
(B) 2010
(C) 2011
(D) 2012
Answer: (C)

Which two organizations jointly publish survey on digitization and preservation?
Answer: (A)

Who said that “Librarianship is not a profession”?
(A) Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron
(B) Goode, Rossi, Shaffer, Gullis
(C) Dewey, Rundey, Reeves, Aishen
(D) Ranganathan, Dewey, Cutter
Answer: (A)

Which organization was joined with Library
Association to form CILIP in 2002?
(A) Institute of Bibliography
(B) Institute of Information Scientists
(C) Institute of Documentation
(D) Institute of Librarianship
Answer: (B)

In which year International institute of Documentation changed to International federation of Documentation?
(A) 1931
(B) 1937
(C) 1945
(D) 1948
Answer: (B)

In which year headquarter of FID was shifted from Brussels to The Hague?
(A) 1925
(B) 1928
(C) 1930
(D) 1934
Answer: (D)

Who gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”?
(A) Walt Crawford
(B) Michael Gorman
(C) James R. Rettig
(D) Lenart Bjorneborn
Answer: (C)

Where was the first library noticed in India?
(A) Taxila
(B) Nalanda
(C) Vallabhi
(D) Sravasti
Answer: (D)

When was the curriculam development committee on LIS instituted?
(A) 1988-89
(B) 1990-93
(C) 1994-97
(D) 1999-02
Answer: (B)

Who published the journal International classification?
Answer: (C)

Which association in India awards teachers in LIS?
Answer: (A)

Where is the headquarter of SLA?
(A) New York
(B) Lagos
(C) Shimla
(D) New Delhi
Answer: (A)

Which law of library Science relates to the growth of libraries
(A) Forth law
(B) First law
(C) Second law
(D) Fifth law
Answer: (D)

UAP stands for what of the following
(A) United Academy of publication
(B) Universal Association of Publishers
(C) Universal Availability of Publications.
(D) Universal Association of Publishers
Answer: (C)

Resource sharing is a part of
(A) Library cooperation
(B)Library Administration
(C)Library Management
(D)Library Cataloging
Answer: (A)

The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year

Library Techology Report is a publication of
(C) LA
Answer: (A)

When was the Amercian Library Assoication established
(A) 1876
(B) 1872
(C) 1875
(D) 1880
Answer: (A)

Which term was coined by Dr.S.R.Ranganathan for mobile libraries
(A) Moving Library
(B) Library on Wheels
(C) Library Machine
(D) All of above

The Librarian Day celebrated on
(A) 15th Sep
(B) 24th Nov
(C) 11th Dec
(D) 12th Aug
Answer: (D)

Forms of Extension service
(A) Library Websites
(B) Library Orientation
(C) Book fair and Exhibition
(D) All
Answer: (D)

The first library school was started by
(A) Melvin Dewey
(B) Charles Williamson
(C) John Macfarlane
(D) William Allenson Borden

Encyclopedia of library and Information Science is published by :
(A) H. W. Wilson
(B) R. R. Bowker
(C) Marcel Dekker
(D) Andrew Deutsch
Answer: (C) Marcel Dekker

The secondary source of information comprised of:
(A) Text books and research monographs.
(B) Subject periodicals and encycyclopaedias
(C) Indexing and Abstracting periodicals
(D) Bibliography and patents
Answer:(C) Indexing and Abstracting periodicals

Who categorized information source into conventional, non conventional, neo conventional and micro documents :
(A) Ranganthan
(B) Bradford
(C) Grogan
(D) Henson
Answer: (A) Ranganthan

Article published in research journal are…
(A) Reference sources
(B) Secondary sources
(C) Primary sources
(D) Tertiary sources
Answer: (C)

What is the Thesaurus?
(A) A collection of selected terminology
(B) Synonymous terms
(C) List of words
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)

What is a Patent
(A) An agreement to the Government
(B) Document of the library
(C) An agreement between the inventor and the Government
(D) An agreement between library and Publisher
Answer: (C)

World of learning is a what source of information
(A) Primary source
(B) Documentary source
(C) Secondary source (D) Tertiary source
 Answer: (C)

Indian books in Print are published from
(A) Tamil nadu
(B) Chennai
(C) Bombay
(D) New Delhi
Answer: (D)

Cumulative book index is published from
(A) India
(C) Canada
(D) Thailand
Answer: (B)

Statesman year book is published from
(A) London
(B) New york
(C) Calcutta
(D) Chicago
Answer: (A) (MacMillan , Annual)

Word of learning is Published by
(A) Asian events
(B) Keesing’s
(C) Europa publication
(D) Harper & Row
Answer: (C) ( London)

Who is the editor of “Library Herald”
(A) Krishan Kumar
(B) C. K. Sharma
(C) S. R. Ranganathan
(D) F.Monbray Volte
Answer: (A)

Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Library World’
(A) Krishan kumar
(B) J. D. Brown
(C) H. W. Wilson
(D) K. Navlavi
Answer: (B)

Facts of File is weekly digest of
(A) Indian events
(B) American events
(C) World events
(D) England events
Answer: (C)

Who is the first editor of “Modern Librarian”?
(A) F.Monbrary Volte
(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
(C) J. D. Brown
(D) Krishan Kumar
Answer: (A)

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