DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
This is an online directory of journals in all fields of knowledge, which provide open access to the users. It covers a wide range of e-journals in library and information subject. It provides abstracts of the research articles published in the journals and in some cases full text too.
The Electronic Journals Library offers an effective use of both scientific and academic journals publishing full text articles in the internet.
Includes some selected early journals of 18th and 19th centuries. These are; Gentleman's Magazine, The Annual Register, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Notes and Queries, The Builder and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
ERIC is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC provides unlimited access to more than 1.3 million bibliographic records of journal articles and also provides access to a growing collection of full-text journal and non-journal literature.
Includes journals in the fields of Social Sciences, which is published in Turkey since 2002. Offers full text access to some journal articles.
Annals of Library and Information Studies (Q)
Annals of library and information studies is a leading quarterly journal in Library and Information Studies publishing original papers, survey reports, reviews, short communications, and letters pertaining to library science, information science and computer applications in these fields.
Ariadne (Q)
It describes and evaluates sources and services available on the Internet, and of potential use, to librarians and information professionals. Also reports library developments in UK and information services worldwide.
ASIS Bulletin (BM)
Each issue of the Bulletin usually deals with a theme or topic, e.g., hypertext, telecommunications, laws related to storage technology, etc.
International electronic journal devoted to bibliometrics, scientometircs and informatrics. It is both an Electronic-online journal and a Virtual Forum. This Journal is devoted to the study of the quantitative analysis of scholarly and scientific communications.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT)endeavours to bring recent developments in information technology, as applicable to library and information science, to the notice of librarians, documentation and information professionals, students and others interested in the field. It is published bi-monthly. The article published in the Journal are indexed in Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA);Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA); Indian Science Abstracts; and Indian Citation Index. The full text of DJLIT is being reproduced in electronic database of HW Wilson Company, namely, OMNIFILE Full Text and OMNIFILE Full Text Mega.
D-Lib (M)
It deals with the all aspects of digital libraries. It gives good coverage to research and development in digital libraries
Digital Document Quarterly
It covers very exhaustive material about the digitization, digital technologies and techniques.
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship
It is a refereed electronic journal publishes three times a year. Covers topics on advancing knowledge and research in the areas of academic and special librarianship.
Ex-Libris (W)
It is a weekly electronic newsletter for librarians from Marylaine Block. It covers articles, Internet information and many more useful for LIS professionals.
Information Research: An international electronic journal
Information Research is a free, international journal, dedicated to making freely accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines. LISA and Information Science Abstracts have indexed it.
Information Technology and Libraries
It is a quarterly publication, brought out by LITA. Abstracts and TOC is available from Vol.1, 1982, but full texts of good number of papers are available from 1999.
Information Today and Tomorrow (Qly)
This has been brought out by NISSAT, India. The contents include information on new tools and techniques, events concluded and announcements, interesting Internet sites, new database products and services.
Infowatch Newsletter (M)
The newsletter aims to raise awareness of new sources of information on the Internet, particularly those that are relevant for higher education and research. It is a product of National Center for Science Information, Bangalore, India. It can be subscribed over e-mail. It is available since 1996.
Innovations in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences
The journal will contain papers on current learning and teaching specifically in Information and Computer Sciences at higher education level.
Internet Resource Newsletter (M)
It is a free monthly electronic newsletter, edited by Heriot-Watt University Library staff and published by Heriot-Watt University, UK. The newsletter aims to raise awareness of new sources of information on the Internet, particularly those of relevant to research. It can be subscribed over e-mail.
International Journal of Special Libraries
INSPEL is a professional journal primarily for the dissemination of papers written or proposed for publication by members of the IFLA Division of Special Libraries. Full texts of articles are available from1996.
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
ISTL publishes substantive material of interest to science & technology librarians.
Journal of Digital Information
It is a peer-reviewed electronic only journal. The themes currently featured in JoDI are: Digital Libraries, Hypermedia Systems, Hypertext Criticism, Information Discovery, Information Management, etc. Presently it is available for free; in future charges may be levied on few articles.
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Covers most of the issues related to electronic publishing.
Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal (LIBRES) is an international, refereed, electronic journal devoted to new research in Library and Information Science.
Journal of Information Law and Technology
It covers a range of topics relating to IT law and applications. It contains a diversity of materials including peer reviewed and non-refereed articles, commentaries, work in progress articles, book and IT reviews, and conference reports and papers, as well as information papers, news and UK and global conferences.
Journal of the Medical Libraries Association
Full texts of articles are available from 2000 to present and contents and abstracts are available from 1996-1999. Formerly this journal was known as 'Bulletin of the Medical Library Association.
Research Information
It covers good feature articles on various aspects of information science, electronic publishing, etc.
RLG Digi news (BM)
Its focus on issues of particular interest and value to managers of digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale, provide filtered guidance and pointers to relevant projects to improve awareness of evolving practices in image conversion and digital archiving and announce publications (in any form) that will help professionals attain a deeper understanding of digital issues.
Transforming Traditional Libraries
It is a peer-reviewed e-journal covering aspects of the new library, including digital collections, electronic indices, OPACs, Internet research, bibliographic instruction, information literacy, and the task of integrating these and other new resources with the traditional services of the library.
Webology is a scholarly journal in English devoted to the various fields of Library and Information Science and serves as a forum for discussion and experimentation. It serves as a forum for new research in information dissemination and communication processes in general, and in the context of the World Wide Web in particular.